Step 1: Link PayPal to Your Google Pay Account There is a Google Pay app for iOS, but it's mostly for managing your account, and when it comes to connecting PayPal, it's not a straightforward as it is on Android. You can even use PayPal to check out in stores using Google Pay.

Having PayPal as a Google Pay payment option is most helpful on Android since there are so many places you can use it to purchase goods and services. If you have an iPhone, you can also use PayPal via Google Pay, but what you can do is limited. It even works across Google services like the Play Store, Gmail, YouTube, and the Google Store. O’Reilly members experience books, live events, courses curated by job role, and more from O’Reilly and nearly 200 top publishers.On Android, you can connect your PayPal account to Google Pay so that you can use that as a payment option when checking out with Google's digital wallet platform.

Get PayPal For Dummies now with the O’Reilly learning platform. (See Chapter 2 for additional details.) Payments made with your line of credit do not count against your total spending limit (for unverified PayPal members). PayPal's Buyer Protection program covers merchandise purchased with Buyer's credit, assuming the other criteria required by the Buyer's Protection program has been met. Unlike many credit cards, there are no activation or annual fees for your PayPal Buyer Credit. You have some advantages to using your line of credit instead of paying for merchandise with a credit card. Instead you receive a paper “card,” which shows your Credit Line number. If you're approved for the line of credit, you won't get a standard plastic credit card in the mail. When it's time to make the payment, PayPal Buyer shows as one of the funding options available to you to finance your purchase. To be able to use your PayPal Buyer line of credit, you have to use PayPal to pay for the item. But if you have a PayPal line of credit, you can purchase either to your heart's content or until you hit your credit limit, whichever comes first. It happens sometimes … you want to purchase an item and there's not enough money in your PayPal account.